Chile Limon

I was in 9th class when this ad became popular – No one can eat just one. I remember how we school kids used to repeatedly say this on every connecting occasion. Days have passed and we all are grownups now.

A day at leisure, when i was sipping my green tea, watching the rains, my little sister came to me with a green packet. She extended the packet and asked me to try one. I barely shifted my glance as watching rains were nostalgic. It reminded me of school reopening, wet kids, wet shoes, smelling totally wet all along. She continued to pester. Try it, its new, you will like it. I was never a great fan of packed fries. However, on her repeated request i tried, only to make a face (which she laughed at), it tasted of lemon pickle-dried (in tamil, we call it narthanga). I told her to lick a slice of lemon pickle from the fridge instead of munching the packed stuff which would save her of some bucks and some calories. She laughed at my comment and said ‘the more you eat it, the more you will like it!!!’

That is when i recollected the no one can eat just one ad. I am not sure if they still have this brand tag going on because the moment Saif Ali Khan appears on screen with his mischievous grin, i forget to pay attention to the other factors on the ad (yeah, i like the Nawab).

World has progressed so much with all these ideas. This stuff is just potato (aloo) and India consumes maximum aloo and produce the World’s best spices. But the man/woman who figured out the mix of aloo with all kind of available spices in the form of crispy chips conquered the masses. He is the real king. Once the foundation (idea) is ready, building the empire is only a matter of time. That is what all those colored pack portray. They named it tangy tomato and colored it red, the magic masala was yellow, the classic salted came in blue, the garlic and onion flavor came in the green. All these colored packs created an aura. Low prices, big packs, less chips, all put together it hit the market deep. They never let the masses get tired because they knew we never get tired of aloo, neither do we run short of them as long as innovation creeps into the flavour zone in timely intervals.

Conquering the masses need a solid idea, it is an art, it is victory and that is what you need to be a successful entrepreneur. Long live aloo, long live Indian spices.
chile limon

The spread in time

If we can research the expiry date for products, why not research the expiry time for events as well??

watch down

It is a period of time
When everything clusters
It is a deep knot
And do not unwind
Proven strategies fail
For the reasons are hidden
Does it make one strong
Is yet to be proven
Your heart is heavy
It gets heavier
You Change
May be it was for you to change
Why does a Movie not portray it this way
Or is it that we fail to see it that way
You lose all hope
And float like dead

It is a period of time
Things unwind
The knot comes loose
It undid itself
You stop drifting
And pushed to the awake
Your things fall in place
Nothing on your credit
It is the inexplicable,
Do the modern gen believe in Time yet???